Industry 4.0

Connected Business for a Connected World

Intelligent enterprises are building a digital connection into their supply chain to improve business performance, customer experiences and efficiency. Industry 4.0 technologies enabling this transformation include cloud computing, edge computing, IoT and industrial big data management. With this digital thread foundation, companies accelerate automation, ensure business continuity and drive innovation. Read more about aligning operations with business priorities in our whitepaper, An End-to-End Approach to Industry 4.0.

Movilitas delivers SAP Digital Supply Chain solutions to customers on a worldwide basis. Our focused group and asset repository include country-specific knowledge of processes, regulations and what SAP offers. We are a go-to partner in Track and Trace, Digital Manufacturing and Asset Management/Mobility technologies for helping mid-sized to large enterprises with accelerated implementations, predictable results, lower cost spends and greater business value realization.

Learn more about Industry 4.0 and what Movilitas offers in this area

Drivers of Digital Transformation

  • Aligning operations, such as manufacturing or asset management, with business priorities to address changes rapidly without being reactionary
  • Globalization, low labor cost, but also automation put pressure on efficiency and cost reduction, specifically in the production process
  • Positive customer experiences influence your business success
  • Demand for high quality products, at the best price require product innovation and high quality production
  • Ability to provide sustainable products by design and delivery at scale and speed without sacrificing cost efficiency

Recommended Solutions

Digital Manufacturing

Business performance for manufacturers can be affected by information silos, disconnected systems and manual processes. Migrating to digital systems helps create the transparency needed for a more flexible environment that can meet variable product demand with process traceability.

Asset Management

Asset-intensive companies often struggle because of the reliance on paper and the use of multiple systems that store asset and customer information. The results can be increased costs, poor prioritization and reduced efficiencies. By connecting people and processes across your enterprise, you can realize efficient wrench times, improved OEE and more.

Track and Trace

Companies have been looking for innovative ways to address counterfeiting challenges even outside of life sciences. Serialization uses a unique ID for every saleable unit and captures activity as it happens. The traceability information enables management by exception and products brand integrity. The data is often applied to recalls, returns verification and warranty validation.


Warehouse Logistics

Distribution centers and warehouses are complex – more than inventory. They need to optimize labor, storage and fulfillment costs while also providing value-added services. Serialized environments must also be able to handle a high volume of data for regulatory compliance. Warehouse management systems (WMS) and mobile connectivity help standardize processes, deploy resources efficiently, capture data seamlessly and enable flexibility.

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